The club will be holding a BBW at the Vine on Thursday the 25th July for all interested.
This will be preceded by a couple of rides. Rupert will be taking out a gravel/MTB ride from the Vine at 6:30pm of around 10 miles. For those that would rather stick to the road, we can meet at our regular Canford Bottom layby for 6:30pm to ride round the Thursday route, stopping at the Vine. This should allow us all to coalesce at the pub for around 7:45 – 8pm where ev will be waiting with burgers, sausages and a pint.
Don’t want to ride – no worries! Just turn up around 8pm and we will see you there.
So that we have an indication of numbers and cater accordingly, could those wishing to attend please let us know before Wednesday 24th. Either message below or contact Kev directly on 07966148078
Hope to see as many as possible.