Disappointingly there were two incidents at tonight’s Time Trial.

A rider was observed urinating in the lay-by at the start of the P303 course. A complaint was made by a resident of the houses opposite the lay-by. This was the same person who complained after observing the same last year. Unfortunately he was less understanding this time and we fully expect a complaint to be made to the Police.

A competitor narrowly avoided a head on collision with a car after cutting the corner at the RH turn just before the finish line. The driver and passenger were so unnerved by the incident they reported the incident to event organisers at sign on point after the race.

Unfortunately these events put the good name of our club at stake. Additionally, to put it quite simply, if this conduct continues we will simply NOT BE ABLE TO GET PERMISSION TO HOST CLUB EVENTS.

It is all of our responsibility to act and ride responsibly and ensure fellow riders do also.

On behalf of the committee.

Tonight’s results are here.