BJW club activity will resume with the Thursday night ride from Canford Bottom on June 25th at 6:30.
Update 24/07/20
British cycling have now had approval to reduce social distancing on club rides to 1m+ with mitigation. Which means the follow changes to below
BJW club ride group size increased to maximum of 6.
Side by Side riding is permitted were safe to do so. You must have 1m+ from elbow to elbow. Face to Face contact should be avoided unless 2 metres away.
After over 3 months we will finally be back, but in order to be able to put these rides on we need to comply with British Cycling Guidance.
We have picked apart their ‘Way Forward’ document, and extracted the parts that are relevant to our rides, to make it as simple as possible to follow. Please make sure you read and understand the information below before attending a club ride
BJW Club Rides procedures and guidance
It is imperative that all participants set an example and follow these guidelines to ensure that the risk of infection/transmission of the virus is minimised. The ride leader will have been brief on detailed procedures and their instructions must be followed at all times. Anyone that is unable to follow the guidance, will have to wait for such a time when club rides no longer have any restrictions.
Strong hand hygiene should be practiced by all involved before, during and after all cycling activity. Participants must not attend a ride or session if they have Covid-19 symptoms, if they have someone in their household who does and are in the extremely vulnerable category or if they have been asked to remain at home by the UK Government track and trace system.
All riders must practice good respiratory hygiene during the activity (i.e. coughing, sneezing into a tissue or the crook of an elbow). If a participant develops symptoms of Covid-19, they should stop taking part and be directed to follow the Government’s ‘test and trace’ guidelines, which can be read on the Gov.uk website. Any participant developing symptoms after a session should notify the club as soon as possible, so that other members of the group can be advised, and all should refer to the latest NHS advice. Participants should wash/sanitise their hands after the session. Participants leaving the activity must maintain social distancing.
Maximum number of riders allowed to ride in a group on a club ride is 4, NOT 6. This is because British Cycling recommend groups on the road should be less than 6, due to correct social distancing making the train of riders too long for vehicles to be able to safely overtake. If more than 4 riders join a ride, the ride must be split into separate roughly equally sized groups, with at least 5 minute intervals. Riders are not permitted to join the ride after it has started.
If one group catches another then efforts should be made to maintain minimum 100 metre gap. If one group wishes to overtake another, this should be done as quickly as possible, while remaining within the highway code (i.e. not causing an obstruction to other road users) and maintaining 2 metre social distancing. If this cannot be done in a safe manner, then the group must remain behind until it is safe to do so. Once overtaken, the overtaken group should establish a minimum 100 metre gap as quickly as possible. Group are NOT permitted to merge! If someone attempts to join a group that shouldn’t be there, and the group is already at capacity (4), then politely ask them to ride on or drop back. If they don’t comply, the group should stop to allow the rider to move on.
No more than 6 riders are permitted to gather at the start and finish of a ride. If more than 6 riders arrive at the start, then a group of up to 4 riders should set off. If more than 6 riders gather at the end of a ride, then some will need to leave. Riders should be encouraged to leave the finish location as early as possible, if not immediately, rather than gathering in a group.
British Cycling’s Social distancing must be followed at all times. This requires a minimum 2 metre gap between the back of the bike in front (rear wheel) to the front of the bike behind (front wheel). At road junctions this will require riders to slow down early to avoid ‘bunching’ and junctions should be negotiated one at a time. At busy junctions, you may need to stop and wait for the rider in front to clear before approaching the junction. Double file riding is not permitted due to being unable to socially distance. Social distancing is not required between members of the same household.
Riders should be encouraged to where cycling glasses, even if they have clear lenses, due to potential virus ingress through the eyes.
Riders must bring their own hydration and nutrition supplies, no sharing.
Riders should be encouraged to bring their own tools, tubes and pumps to be self-sufficient on rides.
Riders should carry their own facemask for their use in event of injury requiring attention.