Bournemouth Arrow 10M TT 11/06/15

From Bob Wareing TT Secretary:

38 riders including 9 Jubilee.

Fastest Jo Andrews EVR+ 22.15.

2nd C Courage 22.22 (PB), 3rd W Soloman 22.32 (PB), 4th C Rowe 22.43.

A Kneebone 23.40 (yet another PB), R Silman 24.15 (PB), M Courage 24.59 (PB), A Heijnan 26.14, N Schofield 27.05, K Rumball 27.59.

Despite all the PBs it was not a fast evening due to the cross wind, but was one of the best this season.

Andrews is a cat 2 roadman from Winchester riding his road bike.

Neil Schofield rode to keep fit in between running training for a distance run in the USA – it was his first TT for 10 years.

Full results on the Arrow site here.