For the 2019 season the price to both members and non-members of Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers will be increasing from £3 to £5. We appreciate this is a significant percentage increase in the entry fee so it only fair to explain the reasons behind this.
There are two separate costs to running a club time trial. Firstly we have to pay the CTT (Cycling Time Trials) levy. This primarily covers the insurance cost, but also cost of other regulatory items which we all just take for granted. In 2018 this was a cost of £2 per rider per event. This means that £1 per rider per event was left to cover the club’s costs, setting out the safety signage, periodic replacement of time keeping equipment and race numbers, coffee and Jaffa cakes etc (we have new club event numbers for 2019!)
This £1 per rider per event to the club has unfortunately not been covering the cost to the club of running the events, and so it was decided that we would need to increase by £1 per rider per event in order to break even (we are not looking to make profit from club racing).
In addition to this, as of 2nd Jan 2019, the CTT levy has increased from £2 to £3 per rider per event (detailed reason for this can be found in the CTT July 2018 Newsletter). This means that it is more than likely that all CTT Club Time Trials will be increasing their entry fee by at least this amount, and of course that includes Bournemouth Jubilee.
We hope that this helps to explain why this increase has been necessary. At £5 per event we still believe that our events represent good value for money, but if anyone has any further questions on this please feel free to get in touch.
We look forward to seeing you all in the new season.
Martin Reeder
Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers TT Secretary
Club Time Trial Entry Fees
February 1, 2019