Resumption of Club Time Trial Activity – Updated

In accordance with Cycling Time Trials guidance, we are currently in the planning stages of resuming club time trial activity.

The current date for lifting of restrictions is July 6th, which would mean that we could host our first event on Tuesday 7th July. However this is still subject to change as guidance is updated.

Update 26/6
CTT have extended suspension of Club time trials for a further week. Depending on if NFCC host the interclub event on July 14th or not, will depend on if the first BJW event could now be 14th or 21st of July.

While this might be exciting news, we also want to make sure that we manage the expectations of these events as they will have a very different feel and atmosphere about them compared to what we are used to.

CTT are working on a COVID-19 risk assessment, and this is likely enforce restrictions that are much tighter than current general social guidelines. These events are likely to be functional only and that in order to mitigate as much risk as possible, all forms of socialising are likely to be prohibited.

Further details will be release on how these events will be run as soon as we are able to confirm details, but the best way to think about it is that the whole event, from arriving to leaving, should be considered in the same way as the ride itself, that is to say, as fast as possible and as if you are the only person there.

More updates to follow ASAP