Covid-19 – Suspension of Club Activities

This morning British Cycling have responded to the latest government advice with regards to Covid-19 which can be found here

As a result of this, the club committee have had no choice but to suspend all activities until June 30th. This includes all club rides and competitions.

We ask that members don’t try and continue these events in an unofficial capacity. We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we are all representatives of the club, and as so have a social responsibility to all others. These events have been suspended for a reason and to continue to participate in them unofficially would be acting against advice of the club, British Cycling and of the government. Therefore as a club we would take a very poor view of anyone who disregards the suspension of activities.


Under current government legislation and advise from British Cycling, going out on your bike is still permitted as long as you follow guidance in relation to social distancing and hygiene. The most effective way to achieve this, is to cycle alone.

British Cycling will continue to follow and assess Government advice, and you can do the same via the following links and general information on the British Cycling website

Group Cycling is a non-essential social activity. As a result, government advice is that it is to be avoided. The 2 metre social distancing rule is for essential social interaction ONLY, such as shopping and essential work. This does not apply to group cycling. The only exception would be with someone you live with.

Members found to be disregarding this advice may be deemed to be in breach of the clubs conduct rules and could face sanctions as necessary.

We will also be stepping up our Zwift group training training sessions. Anyone that wishes to find out more on these, including being added to the WhatsApp group are welcome to do so.Please Email

We would like to thank you all for your cooperation and understanding with these unfortunate measures that we have had to take.