Its nearly next year, and so with that comes a range of improvements to the coming time trial season.
- 7 Interclub events during the season with both Poole Wheelers and New Forest Cycling club
- New courses – P415 and P170
- Road bike category
- ‘Buddy’ Group – Helping with those new to Time Trialling
- Change of HQ location for P311 to The Furlong Carpark
- Contactless card payment available (including Apple pay etc)
- New CTT Rule – Compulsory rear lights
- New Noticeboard and results board
- Handicap Championship
- Mid-Summer TT Social
Provisional 2020 BJW Club TT Calendar

Interclub events
We will be continuing the Interclub competition with Poole Wheelers and expanding the Interclub with New Forest CC. This will include a 3 club event on P415 (Ski Slope) on Sunday 31st May. 2 separate championship tables (BJW vs PW & BJW vs NFCC). 7 events with 4 rounds against each club.
New Courses
As part of these Interclub events, we will be using 2 different courses for 2020. Many of you will be familiar with the P415 ‘Ski slope’ course which will be a Sunday morning interclub for Poole Wheelers, New Forest CC and BJW. We will also be using P170, 10 mile course, for an Interclub with New Forest CC, which starts in the Stoney Cross/ Fritham area of the New Forest.
Road Bike Category
Running alongside the A, B and C categories, will be a road bike class (designated – RB). Rules are as follows
1. No aerobars, clip on aerobars or aero extensions can be used
2. Hands must be holding the handlebars at all times whilst racing
(ie. not with forearms resting on the handlebar)
3. Sock length – No higher than mid calf
4. Wheels may have no more than
60mm depth and must have at least 12 spokes
5. Helmets must have no visor
6. Ears must not be covered by the helmet (Giro Aerohead helmet
also not permitted)
Points will be awarded on overall result which will include TT bikes. Riders must choose to opt-in to the road bike class each season, and once they have done, no points will be awarded for any rides done on a TT bike for the season.
‘Buddy’ Group
To help novice riders to deal with the steep learning curve of time trial racing, the ‘Buddy’ group is there to give them a point of contact to ask those questions that they might otherwise be afraid to ask. ‘BJW Buddy’ private Facebook group will be opened which will include some approachable experienced riders to help answer questions. One 2 One pairing can also be arranged. If you think that is you and would like to help, then please get in contact.
New HQ for P311
While Expro’s carpark is very convenient for the start location of P311, it does have its draw backs. There are no toilet facilities available on site, and we have had issues of riders using the bushes instead. One condition of being allowed to use their carpark is that this strictly doesn’t happen, and they do monitor with CCTV. As a result, it has been decided to use the Furlong public carpark in Ringwood. This is only a short 2-minute ride from the start, and it has the added benefit of a public toilet in the carpark. Parking is free from 6pm, and there is lots of space.
Contactless payment
To make it easier for paying the £5 entry fee, we are going to have a contactless card payment device at races. This can be used with card, phone, watch, or any other device you have for contactless payment. Chip and Pin will also work. Of course, you can still pay with cash. We prefer sterling by the way, as we have had a few bits of foreign currency used in 2019 (presumably by mistake).
Compulsory Rear lights
This is not a BJW rule, this is CTT wide and so applies to all CTT clubs and events (club and open, other than closed road/circuit). All riders must have a clearly visible working rear light (can be flash or constant) on their bike in order to be allowed to start. If you don’t have a light, you will be prevented from taking part. Sorry, we can’t make any exceptions.
We know that things go wrong from time to time, it fell off, the battery died, the dog ate it etc. So, because we really don’t want to be preventing anyone from riding we will keep a small number of tie on rear lights for use in an EMERGENCY. However, if these have gone, battery died or eaten by a dog, then remember it’s not our fault.
Noticeboard and Results Boards
To help keep everyone up to date with useful information, Championship tables, upcoming events, we will be having a noticeboard with the sign-on table. Please keep an eye on this as it changes during the season.
We will also be trailing a whiteboard results system, so that riders’ times can be easily seen without all crowding round and sharing out Jacky’s clipboard.
Handicap Championship
On 28th July, we will have the club handicap championship on P311. Everyone will have a time based on the best from the current and previous season as a handicap from the rider with the fastest PB (scratch rider). This handicap will then be applied to your actual time on the night and the rider with the lowest adjusted time wins the championship. As this is a performance leveller, both TT and road bikes are eligible (previous TT bike times for road bike competitors will not be considered for handicap grading). These style events generally favour the riders towards the slower end of the field as they have a larger potential time gain on PB.
Mid Summer TT Social (TBC)
The event on 23rd June, on P472A (Furzehill) has been scheduled as a potential for a Mid-Summer social event following on from the 10 mile TT. Being the closest event to the longest day of the year we should have plenty of light available after the race for the social event. More details to follow.
Other News
Pedestrian Crossing at Lidl roundabout
This is still being discussed and funding solutions explored, however seems to
be no further on than it was last year, other than its now going to cost more
money. At the point when we know of any work going ahead on this junction, then
we, along with other clubs and the CTT will need to evaluate how we deal with
the issue of the new crossing, until then, P311 is business as usual.